About Us


Our company was founded in 1999 when our founder and current operations manager Sandy Govender noticed there was a gap between industry needs and what suppliers were offering. Our founder has worked in the industry as a driver for over 25 years and started off by doing day to day deliveries on a casual basis and working through brokers and other transportation companies.

Thereafter he took a leap and stepped into the competitive world that is the transportation industry and started dealing directly with retail and warehousing outlets such as Joekels Tea Packers and Monteagle (Pty) Ltd. This new venture caused a need for expansion of our company and over the years we have started to provide our services to multiple reputable businesses in South Africa while maintaining our loyalty to all existing clients

Long & Local Distance

Company Description

Well Established

Saisko transport is a well-established freight and logistics company based in Durban. We pride ourselves on delivering safe and reliable transporting services at the highest and best value to our clients across South Africa. We at Saisko Transport CC are committed to helping your company gain a competitive advantage by adding value to each step of your product and supply chain requirements

On Time Delivery

Saisko Transport has always provided reliable, safe and cost effective service throughout the years and we will continue to do so.



Our vision is to operate a disciplined company in the transportation industry by:


Upholding a reputation of reliability and strict business ethics

Broad Spectrum

Providing an open-minded, broad spectrum customer service


Focusing on sustainable growth and keeping our assets immaculate


Providing safe , cost effective and effcient services to our customers